As we come to the end of term 6, I want to thank all our children going onto school for an amazing year of learning and lots of fun and happy memories. We all wish you a happy transition to your new schools and know you will all continue to learn, flourish and make new friends.

At the same time as saying Goodbye to some, we are welcoming back returners and new starters in September – an exciting time at FANS.

Many thanks to those who attended our Parents Evening. For those of you who didn’t make it, there will still be an opportunity for you to talk to your child’s Key Person at the picnic on 19th July 11:30am – 2:30pm.

Reminder – The picnic is for children with their parents. There are no normal sessions this day. If your child is entitled to 30 hours or paid and you still need them to access their normal hours on this day, please book times in with your Key Person.

We are also saying Goodbye to Anna from Beech room, Natalie from the office, Aleks who has worked in all rooms, and Jill, our long-standing cleaner, who is retiring. We have very much valued you all and wish you all well in your new pursuits or retirement plans. Thank you for your hard work, dedication and support for our children and families from all at FANS.

We wish Imogen, our fantastic teaching student, all the best in her beginning teacher career at St Paul’s Nursery school. Thank you and well done Imogen!

We will be welcoming 4 new members of staff in September – Helen in Beech room, Rhianna in Acorns, Kacey and Deeqa supporting our lunchtime children and Caitlin will be returning part-time in Acorns.

A few changes for the Autumn term …we are hoping to revamp/rebuild our large sand pit area, front garden hill and our 2-year-old’s grassy play area – watch this space!

Johnny and Liz will be working at opposite ends of the week in Willow class and Dave will move to Beech class as the teacher there. This will allow Johnny to step up as Acting Head on a Thursday and Friday as I am reducing my working days to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please do get in touch with Johnny, Liz or myself if you have any queries or concerns. We are always on the gates at drop-off or pick-up times.

Returning children to Beech and Willow classes in September and children moving up from Acorns to Beech or Willow will be contacted direct by their new Key Person for a start date. We are closed on the 4 Mondays of September for home visits.

Have a great summer everyone!

Sarah Woodfield

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash