We have just over two weeks left of term 4, and I know we are all hoping for some warmer weather – I am sure it is just around the corner! 

A huge THANK YOU for supporting us through our teacher strike days and bearing with the disruption it may have caused you. We really appreciate your support.

Over the Winter period, the children have been enjoying exploring, chopping, cooking and tasting a range of foods that we are receiving through the collaborative work of The Children’s Kitchen, Feeding Bristol and Fareshare. We are hoping to build on this exciting learning opportunity as well as support the children to enjoy a range of foods that they can help make themselves. Please go to The Children’s Kitchen website and scroll to the bottom of the page to download Cupboard Cooking, a book full of exciting recipe ideas for young children. Please also see the Healthy Start through the NHS website for further ideas. Please do ask if you have any questions.

At the same time, we have been reviewing our ability to offer hot meals that you pay for. This is something we have been thinking about for some time and indeed consulted on with the parents who presently buy in hot meals.

We have made the decision, for a variety of reasons, that as of the beginning of term 5, we will no longer offer the facility to purchase a hot meal. This will apply for the foreseeable future, so will apply to 2023-24. Therefore, you must provide a packed lunch if your child stays all day.

Although this was a difficult decision to make, we are determined to offer food and cooking experiences to our children and progress to offering cooking workshops for parents. In the coming weeks, we will also support you with ideas for healthy lunchboxes. 

Please do speak to a member of SLT (Sarah, Johnny or Liz) if you have any questions.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sarah Woodfield