Daily Routine

Nursery Sessions are either for three hours every morning or every afternoon from 8:45am – 11:45am (morning) and 12:30pm – 3:30pm (afternoon). This year will also have a 2 ¼ day option – either all day Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday morning 8:45am – 10:15am or Wednesday morning 8:45am – 10:15am and all day Thursday and Friday.

Welcome time

Your child will be with their key person and group to say hello, talk and have a drink of milk or water.

Group time

The key person leads a planned adult initiated activity session to support and extend your child’s learning. Group times cover a range of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage. The children who attend the 2 ¼ day option will have 2 group times a day in order that they don’t miss any learning opportunities available to the all week children.

Work time

Your child will be able to choose what they would like to do and learn alongside their friends and other adults. Adults sensitively support children to think through and carry out their own ideas.

Review time

The children come back to their key group and talk about and share their learning as well as sharing fruit for a snack.

Circle time

All the children and adults come together for singing, games, stories and celebrations


Please can you bring in a piece of fruit or vegetable with you to the session to promote healthy eating? Some items of fruit and the milk will be supplied by us.


If you would like to bring in something special to eat for your child on their birthday, please can you bring fruit or vegetables?We have some children with allergies who get upset when they cannot share sweets and cakes.


In addition to the nursery sessions we offer fee-paying Breakfast and Afterschool Club; and wraparound morning or afternoon sessions.