
We have a governing body which is responsible for ensuring we meet our statutory requirements and provide a high-quality service for all of our families.

Headteacher – Sarah Woodfield

Having taught in the Early Years for nearly 20 years it is a privilege to be Headteacher at FANS. I am passionate about supporting early learning and love my job! I have been at the centre for over 11 years, having previously worked in a large primary school in both Reception class and nursery. I love walking my black Labrador in woods, swimming in the sea and shopping! I live locally with my husband and have two daughters and two lovely grandsons with whom we regularly share our love of food and cooking! I am very proud to work in such an inspiring place as Filton Avenue with outstanding facilities for young children and look forward to continually reflecting on all aspects of the centre to ensure we all deliver the best practice for our children.




Kate Irvine

Local Authority

Kate Irvine (Confirmed Term 4/2023)

Co-opted Governors





Staff Governors


Parent Governors





Our setting is funded by Bristol City Council. Part of the governors’ role is to ensure that we make best use of the annual budget.

The governors are all volunteers who are committed to our work and have knowledge and expertise to share with us.

They are our ‘critical friends’ because they spend time with us and know us well.

They meet as a whole group six times a year. They also have sub-committees which oversee all aspects of our provision.

To find out more about our governing body and how you might get involved, please speak with one of our parent governors.