News from the Rooms


Acorns room provides high quality early learning and care for children from 2 to 3 years. This provision is to support working parents or those returning to education or training. We also have free places for eligible children. These free places are allocated through a city wide referral system.

Beech and Willow

We provide two classrooms (Willow and Beech) for 3-4 year old pre-school children providing high quality learning and care.

Each child has an entitlement to 15 hours a week. We also provide paid wrap-a-round sessions for working parents. 

News from Acorns, Beech and Willow

The RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch

The children from Beech Room and the children from Willow Room have been awarded a certificate from the RSPB for their amazing bird spotting and counting skills! Filton Avenue Nursery School signed up to partake in this nationwide event back in the autumn term, and...

Acorns Room Book Share!

In Acorns, the children love to read and look at books. We thought we would share this joy with their families by creating our Acorns Book Share! We want to encourage families and carers to take a book and share a book together at home. This is a great way to share...
The RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch

The RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch

The children from Beech Room and the children from Willow Room have been awarded a certificate from the RSPB for their amazing bird spotting and counting skills! Filton Avenue Nursery School signed up to partake in this nationwide event back in the autumn term, and...

Acorns Room Book Share!

Acorns Room Book Share!

In Acorns, the children love to read and look at books. We thought we would share this joy with their families by creating our Acorns Book Share! We want to encourage families and carers to take a book and share a book together at home. This is a great way to share...

Acorns Room are Growing Vegetables

Acorns Room are Growing Vegetables

A Wonderful Donation In Acorns we have been very excited to start growing vegetables in our garden. We contacted local businesses to see if they could help us with this project and the Filton Community Garden said they could! The Filton Community Garden is located in...

Beech and Willow Children in The Big Brush Club

Beech and Willow Children in The Big Brush Club

Learning How to Keep Our Teeth Healthy Children from Beech and Willow Rooms who stay all day have joined The Big Brush Club where we clean our teeth after lunch and will be learning how to keep our teeth healthy. The Big Brush Club is a service provided by At Home...

Child Led Provocations in Acorns Room this Week

Child Led Provocations in Acorns Room this Week

Baby Acons Role Play The children have been busy playing in ' baby Acorns ' in the role play area, feeding them bottles, keeping them warm wrapped up in blankets and reading them stories. Dinosaur Land in Playdough Dinosaur land in the playdough proved to be a lot of...

Outdoor Adventures in Beech and Willow Rooms

Outdoor Adventures in Beech and Willow Rooms

It's been an exciting term of hands-on learning and outdoor exploration for our children in Beech and Willow Rooms at Filton Avenue Nursery School! The children in both rooms have embraced the natural world and developed their skills through various engaging...

New Parents Welcome Packs

New Parents Welcome Packs

We're thrilled to share with you our 2024 Welcome Packs for Acorns, and Beech and Willow, for new parents and carers. Acorns Welcome to Acorns New Parents - WebDownload Beech and Willow Welcome to Nursery New Parents - WebDownload

Cooking in Acorns

Cooking in Acorns

Last week we had some tasty vegetables provided to us from The Children’s Kitchen. A city-wide project here in Bristol that focuses on encouraging children to explore, cook and eat fresh food. The children chose to investigate spring onions, mushrooms, lettuce and...

Acorns Explore Pumpkins

Acorns Explore Pumpkins

This week in Acorns, we have been exploring and investigating a pumpkin! We cut the top off the pumpkin and encouraged the Acorns to explore the stringy insides and seeds with their hands and spoons. This prompted a lot of conversation and laughter about how it felt...