We believe that parents are a child’s most important and enduring educators. We hope all parents will take up opportunities to become actively involved in the life of our school and centre in order to support their child’s learning at home.
Parents are welcome in our school and centre at any time.
We liaise closely with NBCC who run parent classes and stay and play sessions from the family room here.
We consult with parents regularly through our parents’ voice weeks. Parents’ feedback helps us to improve the quality of all of our services and their ideas inform our plans for the future.
If parents are ever concerned or worried about anything or have any issues they would like to discuss, they may come and speak to our headteacher or a member of staff.
Whilst supporting and caring for individual children is our main aim in the nursery, it can be argued that a child’s life can be improved more effectively if we support the child’s main carer first. We believe that ‘significant’ adults in a child’s life have ‘significant’ effects on the child.
‘At-home good parenting” has a bigger effect on children’s achievement at primary level than differences in quality of schools, evident across all social classes and all ethnic groups.
Desforges, C, 2003, DfES Research Report
Along with NBCC, we aim to provide a combination of services which build confidence and trust and that reflect parents’ stated interests. Together, we provide a family support programme run by professionals with high levels of interpersonal skills and empathy as well as the appropriate qualifications, in the following ways:
- Parenting programmes and adult learning.
- Information, advice and guidance services.
- Opportunities for parents to get involved and have a say.
- Resources to help parents do a good job.
We regularly monitor and evaluate all our family support services in order to understand what parents in the local community want and provide the right services.