The Children’s Kitchen is a city-wide project which is starting work in 12 Early Years settings. The project encourages children under 5 to explore fresh produce through Food Sessions and developing food growing areas onsite. These sessions are free and take place during the Nursery day.
Children under 5 are developing their tastes and understanding of food; this project aims to give children a healthy start by:
- Exploring new foods, learning about how produce grows and trying new tastes and food from around the world.
- Food Sessions during the nursery day where children can explore, experiment and eat.
- Teaching safe cookery skills which can be used at home
- Learning about how produce grows by planting seeds and plants around the setting and following ‘plot to plate’
- Linking with local families, community and food groups across the city
Learn more by downloading the flyer below. If you’re interested in volunteering, you can find contact details on the flyer too.