News from the Rooms


Acorns room provides high quality early learning and care for children from 2 to 3 years. This provision is to support working parents or those returning to education or training. We also have free places for eligible children. These free places are allocated through a city wide referral system.

Beech and Willow

We provide two classrooms (Willow and Beech) for 3-4 year old pre-school children providing high quality learning and care.

Each child has an entitlement to 15 hours a week. We also provide paid wrap-a-round sessions for working parents. 

News from Acorns, Beech and Willow

Help Us Create a Fairy Forest in Our Den!

Calling all Acorns parents! We need your help to transform our den into a magical fairy forest. 🧚‍♀️🌳 Please collect some leaves from your garden or nearby park and bring them to school. We will use them to decorate the den and make it more cosy and enchanting. 🍁🍂...

Video: Gingerbread Men Cooking

We have been making gingerbread men. The children have been measuring their own ingredients with some interesting results!
Video: Eggs and Oranges Floating Experiment

Video: Eggs and Oranges Floating Experiment

In this video, the children are exploring objects that float and sink. The children are beginning to question why things are happening when changes are made to the objects and the water.

Video: Exploring Dry and Wet Sand

Video: Exploring Dry and Wet Sand

Following on from work time, the children discovered a problem with making sandcastles with dry sand. In the video, the children are discovering why dry sand doesn't make sandcastles and what happens to sand when the water is added.

Video: Fun With Leaves

Video: Fun With Leaves

Some of the Acorns children have had fun exploring all the falling leaves. Barry our new caretaker joined in the fun, throwing the leaves into the air. The children loved to feel them gently falling on their heads!

Video: Water Wheel in Puddles

Video: Water Wheel in Puddles

After the rain, the children worked out they could use a bike to spray the water from a puddle. They had loads of fun and used the scoops to keep the water level up so that it would work properly.

Video: Making Shaving Foam Tracks With Bikes

Video: Making Shaving Foam Tracks With Bikes

Have a look at children from Beech and Willow making tracks in shaving foam, using bikes. This activity is a wonderful example of the exploration and experimentation of mark-making, which is a sensory and physical experience. Young children begin to make sense of the...

Video: Mud Kitchen With Shaving Foam

Video: Mud Kitchen With Shaving Foam

Take a look at this video of Willow Room playing in the Mud Kitchen, with shaving foam! Mud Kitchens are a wonderful way of allowing children to explore the outdoor environment as they dig in the mud. They also involve science-based learning as children can get hands...

Video: Jungle Corridor

Video: Jungle Corridor

Inspired by one of our core books Walking Through The Jungle by Julie Lacome, we have adapted our corridor to support the children's interest that has come from reading the book. The children will be moving in different ways through the jungle, discovering different...

Video: Sorting with Compare Toys

Video: Sorting with Compare Toys

In this video, the children in Willow are exploring the open-ended activity of sorting the compare toys. The children are beginning to learn how to work together and share their ideas, whilst also managing the distractions around them. ...

Video: Bread Experiment

Video: Bread Experiment

We have spoken lots about washing our hands and keeping our toys clean this year. Therefore, the idea behind this experiment was for the children to observe what happens to bread over time and which household ingredients have the biggest effect. In the video, the...

Video: Beech and Willow Room Beetle

Video: Beech and Willow Room Beetle

A child had been digging in the sandpit when they discovered a beetle. The children were concerned about the insect staying in the sand and have great ideas on how to best take care of the bug.