Dear Parents and Carers,
As we come to the end of term 3 we are halfway through the year already! A reminder that Friday 18th February is an Inset Day so nursery is closed to all children.
We have happy and sad news. Our lovely Business Manager Mo is retiring on Friday after over 18 years working at FANS. Happy news for Mo, sad news for us. I’m sure you will all join me in thanking Mo for her outstanding contribution to the nursery school and children’s centre and wishing her a wonderful retirement with lots of new adventures! THANK YOU FROM ALL AT FANS!
We are still trying to recruit for Mo’s position and in the meantime, the admin team are doing an excellent job of making sure that Mo’s role is covered with help from the LA finance team also. Please bear with us while we make this transition. We are planning to put up a new rota of who’s who in the office team and what days they are available to help you with any queries.
We know Spring is around the corner and with the release of many restrictions, life is feeling a little more normal in school. We are hoping to run our next Parents open evening face to face on Tuesday 8th March for Acorns and Willow rooms and Wednesday 9th March for Beech. If you are at all concerned, of course, the option to have a zoom or phone call still remains. Fingers crossed for our Picnic at the end of term!
We are also opening the setting to limited students and volunteers as we progress into Spring. Please speak to your key person if you have a few hours to spare for reading with children, cooking or gardening.
A little reminder – please check pockets and bags when your children return home as our toys seem to enjoy being taken out of school to visit homes!
World book day is Thursday 3rd March – Johnny will say more about that during the first week back.
Remember to check drawers outside each of Beech and Willow rooms and ask to see your children’s diaries – the children are doing amazing learning.
Please spread the word about places for September including a new 2 and a half-day model for 15 hr children alongside our existing am or pm places. Details coming soon to the website.
Thank you so much for your continuing support. Have a lovely half term break and see you on Monday 28th February.
With very best wishes,
Sarah Woodfield
Blossom Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash
Book Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash