Learning from Home: Week 3 Activities

Jan 27, 2021Home Learning


Physical activity is vital for many aspects of young children’s health and development and can be hard when we are inside. We have recently had a competition to see who can hop the most times on one leg and a high jump contest. (They are not real bricks!)

There are many things that children must learn about before they can start to read, and not just words and letters. They have to know how to hold a book and turn the pages. They have to know that pictures are interesting and help to tell the story but it is the writing that you read and that it goes from left to right. And very importantly they need to know that reading is fun and exciting and something that they would like to be able to do.

Sing Song: Happy and You Know It

The Three Bears Rap during our Circle Time!

Hello Again!

If you enjoyed ‘I spy’ last week there are loads of language activities and information out there on the internet. Check out these websites…



Here are this week’s activities that we have also been doing at school.

Mark Making

Key learning –                                                                                                                 

  • Small motor skills – holding pens etc with correct grip and strength. Making big and small marks.
  • Creativity – having own ideas. Beginning to draw shapes to make objects eg. A face.
  • Being involved and concentrating for longer periods of time.

You will need –

  • Something to mark make with! Not just colouring pencils and pens – use pastels, charcoal, chalks, mud, water, fingers (see below).
  • Something to mark make on! Not just paper – Cardboard, the ground, trees, a tray covered in paint or shaving foam so they can mark make with their fingers.

As with previous activities – don’t have an end product in mind. Enjoy the process and see where it goes. It’s great if you join in. Copying what your child is doing really helps their self-esteem and affirms their own ‘can do’ attitude. You can also have your own ideas for yourself too eg.’I’m drawing big circles and dots!’. Above all have fun.


This really helps with children’s and your own well-being both physically and mentally. At school we will be using a bell to stop and start and will begin with being still and concentrating on breathing using mindfulness techniques. Check these websites for ideas –



You Tube has loads of videos you can do with your child. Make sure you put in the correct age of your child eg. Yoga for 3 year olds. Relax and enjoy!


Here’s a message from Liz and Kirsty –

Hello there

In Acorns, we have been busy doing lots of cooking this week making delicious soup, bread and smoothies. The children have been getting to grips with chopping vegetables which isn’t easy as well as talking about healthy foods.

We have also listened to a favourite story  ‘walking through the jungle’ which has lots of rhythm and rhyme.

Our soup recipe is VERY simple and is as follows.

Chopped onions

Chopped leeks

Chopped potatoes

Chopped carrots

1-2 vegetable stock cubes.

Simmer in a large pot until the vegetables are soft before whizzing in a blender.


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