As we come to the close of this academic year I just wanted to remind you of a few dates and info regarding this term and for those of you returning to us, for the September term. 

  • Children leaving us to another school will shortly be meeting their new teacher (if they have agreed to visit us).  These short ‘Hellos’ will take place outside and all visiting adults will be wearing masks and following covid rules. The children usually respond well to these visits and begin to get very excited about their next step so may well want to talk to you about their new school, who’s going, new teachers, lunches etc!
  • Similarly, we will shortly be taking those Acorns children staying with us for short outdoor visits to the Nursery rooms – again much excitement as your children grow up and get ready to experience new adventures!
  • We are holding our final parents evening of the year on Wednesday 7th July between 4-6pm.  Acorns in the back garden and Beech/Willow at stations in the front garden.  Please speak to your key person about booking a slot.  You will be receiving your child’s review prior to this date so if you feel there is no need to have a meeting, there will be an option to say Goodbye to your key person and team on the last day of term.
  • Our last day of term is Tuesday 20th July (as Wednesday 21st July is an Inset Day).  I am sad to say, due to the latest Covid announcements, I feel it would be unwise to hold our usual Family FANS picnic in the garden. However, we are planning to run normal sessions on this Tuesday and combine parties and a picnic in the garden for the children – a day of fun and laughter. We will be extending Pick up times from 11:15am and 2:45pm giving you a chance to have a quick Goodbye with your key person and collect all the wonderful bits from drawers, learning diary and memories from the year.
  • Our NEW and RETURNING parents information evening will be on Wednesday 14th July – Acorns 4:00pm – 5:00pm and Nursery Beech and Willow – 5:00pm – 6:00pm.  These will be held in the garden or under cover if the weather is poor.

PLEASE PLEASE remember your face covering on site!

Please remember sun cream, sun hats and water bottles!

Tell your friends about us as we still have a few places for September!

Thanks everyone for your continued support and enjoy the sun safely!

Head teacher