Dear Parents and Carers,

Summer is definitely here, the children are loving our new sandpit area, and Term 6 is rapidly moving on! We hope you are enjoying our new artwork at the front of the building and have noticed the hard work our caretaker, Barry, has done in creating a raised bed, also at the front of the school. Please be mindful that it will be filled with soil in which to plant things and is not for climbing in!

A few dates to take note of….

The teaching unions have announced two more strike days on Wednesday 5th July, and Friday 7th July. As previously, thank you for your understanding and patience while important issues regarding school funding and pay are raised to the government level. Acorns will remain open, and Beech and Willow will close on both days.

Stay and Plays for new parents will go ahead on Monday 3rd July, Tuesday 4th July and Thursday 6th July between 10:00am – 11:00am and 1:30pm – 2:30pm.  The Wednesday Stay and Play is cancelled as the nursery will be closed. We look forward to meeting you and your children on these days.

New Parents Evening on Wednesday 5th July will go ahead – we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

Existing parents, particularly returning parents, have an opportunity to catch up with their key person on Wednesday 12th July, if you so wish. Please contact your key person to arrange a time.

Our present children who are going to Filton Avenue Primary in September will be visiting their new classrooms and teachers the week of the 10th July. Our staff will support and accompany them on this adventure!

FANS parties will take place in classrooms on Wednesday 19th July and our Picnic will happen on Thursday 20th July between 11:30am and 2:30pm

Picnic Day – This is the last day of term. Friday 21st July is an INSET day. There are no normal sessions on Picnic Day unless Wraparound is booked; please let your key person know if this is the case. You are all invited to bring a picnic with your child and stay between 11:30am and 2:30pm, hopefully out in the garden, weather permitting.  This is a lovely opportunity for us to celebrate your children’s time with us and also to say Goodbye from FANS so do come along if you possibly can.

For those leaving us, it has been a pleasure to share your children’s learning journey with them, and we wish them all the best in their new schools – they are ready to face new challenges and adventures ahead. Equally, we will look forward to welcoming back returners and meeting our new children in September.

Hopefully see you at the PICNIC on Thursday 20th July between 11:30am and 2:30pm, if not at the Summer Fair on Saturday 8th July, 10:00am – 12:00pm.

Sarah Woodfield

Photo by Jill Wellington