We are coming to the end of term one and chilly weather is heralding in the winter months! Please remember named coats, hats, gloves, scarves etc as the weather gets colder. The children will continue to choose to play outside so warmer footwear/boots is advisable.
Thank you so much for supporting us and your children to settle into their new routine this term. We are enjoying getting to know our new children and supporting our older children to take up their new roles as the ‘oldest’ in the school or class.
If you have a few minutes to spare, please do go to the following link https://forms.office.com/e/1E6VHpieuc and express your views about your setting. Your completed forms inform the Local authority about sustainability and the offer in our local area. Thank you.
We are looking for new parent governors here at FANS. If you think you have a couple of hours to spare a term and would like to contribute to the governance of our setting, please speak to Sarah or Johnny.
It is a much-valued role, very interesting and provides accountability for the Head, senior leaders, staff as well as helping to shape the future of our school. You do not need any specific qualifications, just a real desire to make a difference for the education and inspiration of our children and families here at Filton Avenue Nursery school. Thank you for considering.
We still have 15 hr am/pm, or two and a half day places in the nursery school so please let friends know of our offers of places or refer them to the office 0117 3772680 for more information.
We are starting to collect information to inform our planning of the governments new expansion roll out of 30 hr places so please be aware of that too.
Have a wonderful half term and see you in term 2. Please note Monday 30th October is an INSET day. Term starts on Tuesday 31st October.
Thank you and please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the team should you have any queries, comments, or questions.
Thank you