Following our Ofsted inspection on Wednesday 8th January, we are absolutely thrilled to reveal the outcome that we remain an outstanding Nursery School.
We received some lovely feedback from Ofsted about our setting, our children, and our team.
This is a lovely place for children to start their school experience.
Children leave exceptionally well prepared for their primary schools. Every minute counts here.
Leaders are highly successful in creating a school that says to everyone, you matter.
They ensure that teaching throughout the nursery helps every child to achieve the absolute best outcomes they can. This includes children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These children achieve exceptionally well.
Positive learning experiences mean that children are enthusiastic and confident young learners…….. Their happiness and confidence shone!
Please do read the full report on the Ofsted site or you can download the report below.
A huge thanks to the children, parents and staff who have such an amazing impact here.