As we come to the end of a very challenging and different year in school, I want to thank you all for your support, patience and stickability! You and your children have been amazing and it has been a joy to welcome you every morning and afternoon and to see the learning journeys that your children are making.
I am sorry that you have not been able to be a part of our usual celebrations and volunteering over the last few months, however, I trust you are feeling connected to FANS in spite of the current restrictions. In light of current vaccine news, we look forward to the Spring and the day when we can celebrate as a whole school community!
Please remember that you need to apply for a reception place at primary school by 15th January. Go to to apply.
In January we welcome a number of new children to Acorns, Beech and Willow. We will, of course, continue our one-way system in and out.
Please remember to help your children keep warm by layering up and wearing warm, waterproof boots, shoes or wellies. Also don’t forget your hats, scarves and gloves – January can be very cold and snowy(!).
We hope you enjoy a taster of FANS Christmas Singalong – look out for the link on our website and Facebook in the last week of term!
Our last day of term is Friday 18th December. We are open this day and it is Party Day so your children can dress up.
In light of the coming 2-week break, where a pupil or staff member tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms within 48 hours since being in school, the school office number (0117 3772680) should be contacted and instructions followed accordingly. Thank you.
I would just like to wish you all a very happy, healthy and relaxing Christmas. Please take care, stay safe and enjoy time with your families in a COVID safe way. See you all in 2021!
Very best wishes