Dear Parents and Carers,
As we come to the end of term 5 I just wanted to remind you of a few dates.
Friday 27th May – end of term 5
Monday 6th June – term 6 begins
Tuesday 7th June – Jubilee Celebration time – we are having a day of celebration with the children to help them remember the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. There will be music, dancing and learning about our Queen and the history she represents. Your child can bring in a teddy bear to join a teddy bear’s Jubilee picnic during their session. The children can dress up as they wish.
During term 6 (yes that time already!) Reception teachers will be visiting those children who are moving on to Primary school in September. Your children may start to talk about going to ‘big school’. We will support the children through group times and visits in this very important transition and while it will be talked about, we very much let the children lead in how they are feeling and we don’t rush this transition for them. Please do not hesitate to talk to your key person if you have any concerns. For those children not moving on, life will continue as normal at FANS!
We are also beginning the transition for those children moving from Acorns to Beech or Willow in September. The children will spend time in the bigger rooms and we are holding a new parents meeting on Wednesday 6th July, 5pm – 6pm if you wish to find out more about life in Beech and Willow for your child.
Please do not forget named sunscreen as the weather warms up. Also, a reminder to send children in appropriate footwear and clothing suitable for play outside.
Sadly, we will be saying Goodbye to Anna from Beech room at the end of term next week. Anna has been at FANS for 13 years and we have been so fortunate to have her wonderful, smiling, caring and dedicated approach to supporting children and families here at FANS all that time. She really will be missed by all of the FANS community and we thank her for her work here. We wish her all the very best in her new career as an Occupational Therapist and know that she will be brilliant in that role!
We are working hard to replace Anna and will let you know once we have a named person for the Ladybird group. Beech room staff will support the children in the meantime.
Just a last date for your diary….we are hoping to hold our end of year Picnic on the last day of term – Tuesday 19th July, 11:30am to 2:30pm. This event has had to be cancelled for the last two years due to COVID so we are excited and look forward to welcoming you to this event with your child. If you need to buy wrap-around care for this day please speak to the office ASAP. Details to follow nearer the time.
Thank you all!
Sarah and team FANS