As you are all aware, we are due some very hot weather in the next few days including our last days of nursery; Monday and Tuesday.
If your child is at all unwell, please keep them home as it would be unwise for them to be out and about in the heat we are expecting.
While we will be open, the nursery rooms will be very hot, and while the gardens are shady, temperatures are predicted to be unprecedented.
Therefore if you are sending your child in, please can you ensure your child has a hat, water bottle and sunscreen as well as wearing loose-fitting and lightweight clothes.
Our garden areas are shaded, and we will be using the gardens as much as possible. We will not be using bikes, trikes etc or outside resources that encourage running and will have lots of water play so, please do send in changes of clothes.
We will review the picnic times on Monday.
Thank you for your understanding of the situation.
Take care in the heat and stay safe.