Welcome back to term 2, as Autumn is fast fading into Winter. I hope you enjoyed the relatively mild weather of the half term and were able to get out and about with your children. The children will need to wear layers as the weather gets colder.

Just a few gentle reminders….

  • Please do not park in or near our car park or gates but park respectfully on roads around the school. 
  • Please send your children in with NAMED hats, scarves, gloves, wellies, waterproof coats, bags and lunch boxes.  It really helps to track down LOST items.
  • Please do not send juice in bottles – only WATER.
  • Please do not send your children into school if they are unwell but ring the office and leave a message so we can monitor what viruses are going around our school community.

Enough reminders!

Parents/Carers Evening

Next Weds 9th November, Acorns, Beech and Willow are holding our Autumn Parents/carers evening.  Please speak to your child’s key person to book a time in between 3.45 and 7pm for a catch up about how your child is settling in and to discuss next steps of learning.  We are really looking forward to welcoming you into the school!

Volunteers Wanted

We are also wanting to welcome any parents/grandparents/carers in who have a spare hour or two to volunteer in our rooms.  There are opportunities to read and share books with children, support children in their play both inside or out, cook with children, garden with children or be a ‘helper to the classroom’ (sorting books, cutting paper, tidying, sorting)  We really would appreciate your help for as little or as often as you can!  Speak to your child’s room leader who will point you in the right direction!

Friends of Filton Avenue Nursery School

COMING SOON……. One of our lovely governors is establishing a Friends of Filton Avenue Nursery School (FFANS).  We will be launching it nearer Christmas with one of our wonderful Christmas raffles.  If you would be interested in helping us raise much needed funds for resources  please give your name and contact details to the office. 


Thank you to our Acorns parents who are bearing with us in our search to recruit more staff.  As many of you are aware the Early years sector is facing a recruitment crisis (as are many other sectors).  We are working very hard to address this problem and will let you know as soon as we resolve our staffing issues.

Once again, thank you for your support in what will be a very busy term 2!

Photo by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash