Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to term three, and Happy New Year to you all. We are welcoming some new children to all three rooms presently as well as some children transitioning through to nursery from Acorns, so lots going on! A warm welcome to our new parents/carers. We hope you will enjoy your children’s journey with us. 

A little note from Acorns… Thanks for bearing with us during recent staffing challenges.  We are pleased to welcome new team members Amber and Dawn to Acorns. Please remember to bring a piece of fruit or vegetable to nursery to share at snack time.

A reminder of Acorns parents meeting on Wednesday 18th January between 4:00 – 6:00pm.  Please sign up with your key person.

A small but IMPORTANT reminder, please!  Do not park anywhere immediately around the school’s gates, car park (staff only) or alongside the fence. We not only have to have clear access for emergency vehicles to ourselves and the nursing home, but it is extremely dangerous for children to be accessing cars in this area. I appreciate the busyness of drop-off and pick-up times but ask that you park safely and respectfully on roads around the setting. Thank you.

Please do use the book loan system outside each classroom and also check your child’s drawer (again outside the classrooms) for any precious work, paintings, drawings etc. Although a quieter term, term three is full of learning for your children, and I know the focus is on reading, speaking and investigating the world around through a variety of scientific investigations! Look out for evidence of this! The children will continue to learn the skills needed to support each other and communicate with each other in a variety of ways to promote kindness, being helpful and cooperation. Maths learning will also feature throughout the term. 

Thank you so much for your support, and once again, if you have any queries please speak to Johnny, Liz or myself at any time. 

Sarah Woodfield

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash