We have made the decision, for a variety of reasons, that as of the beginning of term 5, we will no longer offer the facility to purchase a hot meal. This will apply for the foreseeable future, so will apply to 2023-24. You will therefore need to provide a packed lunch if your child stays all day.
Healthy Packed Lunches
Filton Avenue Nursery is a ‘Healthy School’ we pride ourselves on supporting our children and families to embrace healthy lifestyles and high levels of well-being. With this in mind, we encourage you to provide healthy and well-balanced packed meals. As you provide a water bottle for your child we ask that you not to include any drinks in their packed lunch. Please do not bring crisps, sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks and fruit juice. In warm weather, please ensure you include ice packs in your child’s lunch box to ensure their meal stays fresh and healthy.
Here are some ideas!
Avoid Choking Hazards
If you provide grapes, olives, baby tomatoes or anything small in your child’s packed lunch – a lovely healthy choice – please do not send them in whole.
To avoid any potential choking hazard, we ask that you cut items into quarters or small bite-size pieces. Please do not include popcorn in your child’s lunch, as this is also a potential choking hazard.
To minimize the risk to other children, please do not include nuts in your child’s packed lunch – thank you
Please clearly label your child’s packed lunch with their name and put it in the large cool crates outside your child’s classroom or designated area as directed by staff – thank you.