As we approach the end of term 3, a quick reminder that the school is closed on Friday, 9th February, for Inset Training. We return after the half-term break on Monday, 19th February, for term 4.

We welcome all our new families who have joined us this term. We hope you are happy and settled as well as your children! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or give feedback to leaders who are at the gate in the morning, at lunchtime and the end of the day.

A few reminders…

  • Please respect our neighbours and staff by NOT parking in the very small school car park or in any way blocking access to the nursing home or to driveways in the immediate area.
  • Please remember to name all your children’s belongings – it really helps us to track down and return lost items.
  • If your child is absent for any reason or you anticipate an absence, please can we ask you to leave a message with the office at 0117 3772680 (answer machine for out-of-office hours) or send a quick email to We are a bustling and full nursery, and keeping to ratios is crucial for us. If we have to cover staff absence, either by supply or internally, it really helps us to know the expected number of children. Thank you.

We recently welcomed four new parent governors to our governing body – thank you! We hope you will soon feel at home and be able to support our governing body in their oversight of the nursery school.

I have attached some information about measles. Please read, and if you have any questions, please ask, and we will endeavour to signpost you for further information.

World Book Day is coming up on Thursday 7th March. Here at FANS, we would like to celebrate it by sharing and hearing the favourite books of the children, staff and parents. We welcome parents who want to share a story in their home language with the children to have a word with their key person so we can plan that. Watch out for more news on how to help your child enjoy books, and don’t forget to use our class book loan boxes.

March 13th is our next Parents Evening, where we look forward to sharing with you all the lovely learning your children are achieving and working with you on the next steps. Details to follow.

In the meantime, enjoy the half-term break and see you in term 4.