Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to our returning families, and welcome to our new families. 

We have had a busy start to the term and have enjoyed meeting some of you at home visits and seeing the children begin to settle into the Nursery routines in their first sessions. Our usual Nursery days (Monday-Friday) will resume on Monday, 7th October, once all home visits have been completed.

I hope you have been keeping up to date with our website. We’re improving it all the time, and there is lots of important information on there, as well as regular News from the Rooms where you can see all our exciting learning.

We welcome feedback about our website. Please email or speak with me face-to-face if you have any suggestions.

Coffee Mornings/Afternoons

I’m delighted to invite you to our first coffee morning/afternoon on 18th October, 2024, at 9:00am – 10:00am and 2:15om – 3:15pm, the theme will be ‘Meet the Headteacher’ but the main focus will be to connect over a cuppa! 

Please drop in, no need to sign up.

I would really like this to become a regular feature, either termly or monthly, and would welcome parent/carer input on what the focus could be. Please share any ideas you may have with me via email or face-to-face.

House Plants

We would like to fill the nursery with nature! Do you have any houseplants you’d be willing to donate? If so, we’d love to give them a home – please give them to Kate, on the gate in the morning or afternoon!


We continue to require volunteers for various activities in the Nursery. We currently require regular volunteers to help on Fridays and Mondays (from 7.10) to support cooking – this will mostly be supporting with chopping and preparing, no skill required! We welcome parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, (grown up) siblings etc. Please speak with Kate or Johnny for more information.

Friends of Filton Avenue

Did you know that we have a PTFA (Parent, Teacher, Friends Association) called Friends of Filton Avenue Nursery School or FFANS for short? FFANS work hard to raise money for our school through fundraising events over the year and provide us with additional funds that we can use to enhance the children’s experiences, here. 

However, we are very short on members and always seeking to recruit more. You can commit to FFANS in a number of ways including:

  • Planning events
  • Volunteering for events
  • Marketing
  • Secretary/treasurer
  • And many more!

Your level of commitment can be small or large but we can only run if we have members!

Please contact the school office for further information and joining details. 

Dates for the diary

Please see this link for dates for the coming year, especially school holidays and Inset days when the Nursery will be closed to children for staff training.

As always, if you need to speak with your child’s key person please do so at drop off or pick up times. If your matter is sensitive, please arrange a time with them and a quiet and more private space can be booked.

Thank you,

Kate and everyone at FANS