Dear Parents and Carers,
I can’t believe we’re reaching the end of Term 1, my first here at this lovely setting!
We’ve been super busy getting to know all the children and they’ve been busy getting to know us, the routines and each other. As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child has warm and waterproof clothing as we love playing out in all weathers!
If you need help or support with this, please let us know.
Coffee mornings/afternoons

It was great seeing some of you at our first coffee morning/afternoon last week. I enjoyed chatting with you and getting to know people. Our next coffee morning/afternoon will be 22nd November at 9:30am-10:30am and 2:15pm-3:15pm, when we will be doing a ‘Seesaw surgery’—more details to follow.
Please drop in, there is no need to sign up.
I would really like this to become a regular feature, either termly or monthly, and would welcome parent/carer input on what the focus could be. Please share any ideas you may have with me via email or face-to-face.

Please can parents, carers and anyone dropping children off leave phones in your bags/pockets until you are out of the gate or corridor.
Thank you.
I hope you have been keeping up to date with our website. We’re improving it all the time, and there is lots of important information on there, as well as regular News from the Rooms where you can see all our exciting learning.
We welcome feedback about our website, please send in any suggestions via email or speak with me face to face.
Save the Date!
Wednesday, November 20th, will be a Parents’ Evening for Willow, Acorns, and some of Beech (Dave’s key groups will be arranged on an alternative date).
Please look out for more information after half term.
Please do not park in our car park – our car park is for Nursery Staff Only. As we share access with the nursing home next door, it is essential that we leave the car park clear for emergency services and/or deliveries. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
We have some vacancies on our governing body – if you are interested, please speak with Rima in the school office.
Do you have a skill that you’d like to share or do you just enjoy playing?
We love having volunteers for various activities in the Nursery, you can commit to a one-off session or something more regular. We welcome parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, (grown up) siblings etc.*
Please speak with Kate or Johnny for more information.
*Regular volunteers will be required to have a DBS check completed; for more information, please click here.
Friends of Filton Avenue
Did you know that we have a PTFA (Parent, Teacher, Friends Association) called Friends of Filton Avenue Nursery School or FFANS for short? FFANS work hard to raise money for our school through fundraising events over the year which provides us with additional funds that we can use to enhance the children’s experiences, here.
However, we are very short on members and always seeking to recruit more. You can commit to FFANS in a number of ways including:
- Planning events
- Volunteering for events
- Marketing
- Secretary/treasurer
- And many more!
Your level of commitment can be small or large but we can only run if we have members!
Please contact the school office for further information and joining details.

Next week is half term, so the Nursery School will be closed. We look forward to seeing you all back here on Monday, November 4th.
As always, if you need to speak with your child’s key person please do so at drop off or pick up times. If your matter is sensitive, please arrange a time with them and a quiet and more private space can be booked.
Thank you,
Kate and everyone at FANS
Image credits: Image by 13smok from Pixabay, Image by Z RAINEY from Pixabay.