Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to our November newsletter. We’ve been busy this term getting stuck into group times, cooking, exploring, and enjoying the crazy weather! By next week, we’ll be in the full Christmas swing and start practising our songs for the ‘sing-along’. We also did a fire alarm practice this week. The children did so well and took it in their stride.
Thank you for attending our Parent/Carer evening. It was lovely to see so many of you and talk with you about your wonderful children.
Coffee mornings/afternoons
Our next sessions are on Friday, December 13th. Please join me for a cuppa, chat, and maybe a mince pie!
If you have any issues with Tapestry then please use this opportunity to share and we will try to solve them for you.
Where? Community Room
When? 13th December 2024 at 9:00am and 2:15pm
How? Please drop in, no need to sign up
I would really like this to become a regular feature, either termly or monthly, and would welcome parent/carer input on what the focus could be. Please share any ideas you may have with me via email or face-to-face.
Thank you so much to those who filled in the questionnaire last week. We had an overwhelmingly positive response, with 100% of respondents feeling welcomed here. We also had some lovely comments. Again, thank you.
A number of you who filled out the questionnaire shared that you would be interested in holiday clubs. Thank you for this feedback. We are working on it and will update you soon.
Please can parents, carers and anyone dropping children off leave phones in your bags/pockets until you are out of the gate or corridor.
Thank you.
This month, the website features the exciting cooking in Acorns and some lovely comments from our parent/carer questionnaire on our testimonials page.
Is there anything else you’d like to see on our website? Please let us know.
Important Dates
- Wednesday, 4th December – New parents meeting for Acorns (4-5 PM)
- Wednesday, 4th December – New parents meeting for Willow & Beech (5-6 PM)
- Tuesday, 10th December, Wednesday, 11th December, and Thursday, 12th December – Stay and play sessions for January starters
- Friday, 13th December – Coffee morning & afternoon
- Wednesday, 18th December – Christmas Sing-along (AM only) – Beech and Willow Parents/Carers – Please see this flyer!
- Friday, 20th December – Christmas parties
- Friday, 20th December – END OF TERM!
We will be back as normal on Monday 6th January 2025.
As always, if you need to speak with your child’s key person, please do so at drop-off or pick-up times. If your matter is sensitive, please arrange a time with them, and a quiet and more private space can be booked.
Thank you,
Kate and everyone at FANS
Image credits: Image by 13smok from Pixabay, Image by Z RAINEY from Pixabay.