Dear Parents and Carers,

Can you believe we’re nearly at the end of January?

The children have come back after the break, ready and raring to go. They’ve settled well into new and old routines, and we’ve welcomed some new friends to our school. We’ve also welcomed Gavin back to school this term; he’s joined Beech Room as a key person.

Staff Training – IMPORTANT!

On Wednesday, February 12th, the Nursery will be closed all day, including breakfast club and tea club. We will be open as normal on Thursday, February 13th, and Friday, February 14th.

We will then be closed for half term from the 17th to the 21st of February and will reopen as normal on Monday, the 24th of February.

School of Sanctuary

We are well underway with our application to become a School of Sanctuary. We have had staff training, and we are looking closely at how we can become more inclusive and welcoming.

But we really need parent/carer engagement. Could you help us to become the first Nursery School in Bristol to become a School of Sanctuary? If you are interested or want any more information then please get in touch with me.

More information can be found here.

Parking Reminder

Please do not park in our car park at any time – our car park is for Nursery Staff Only. As we share access with the nursing home next door, it is essential that we leave the car park clear for emergency services and/or deliveries. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Big Brush Club

The children are doing really well with their daily teeth brushing – look out for pictures on tapestry and the website. Have you noticed a difference at home? We’d love to hear it if so! If you have any questions about what we’re doing, please speak with your child’s key person.


We are continually updating our school website, please take a look at our front page were we’ve now got a lovely slideshow!

There’s also lots of updates as well as important dates for the year!

Is there anything else you’d like to see on our website? Please let us know.

As always, if you need to speak with your child’s key person please do so at drop off or pick up times. If your matter is sensitive, please arrange a time with them and a quiet and more private space can be booked.

Thank you,

Kate and everyone at FANS